Birding in Southern Brazil

Morretes is a small city surrounded by the biggest continuous area of what is left of the Atlantic Rainforest.

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Located at the base of the mountains known as “Maciço do Marumbi”, Morretes is one of the most amazing places for birdwatching in the Atlantic Rainforest.

More than 475 species of birds can be found from the bay to the top of the mountains.

The Atlantic Rainforest has about 200 endemic bird species. From those 88 species are endangered. The Atlantic Rainforest is considered the 5th richest area in the world.

Some of the Target Species you might see:

 bicudinhosapucaia nigripesm2

  • Grallaria varia – Variegated Antpitta
  • Chamaeza campanisona – Short-tailed Antthrush
  • Hylopezus nattereri – Speckle-breasted Antpitta
  • Formicarius colma – Rufous-capped Antthrush
  • Amazona brasiliensis – Red-tailed Parrot
  • Magascops sanctaecatarinae – Long-tufted Screech-Owl
  • Stymphalornis acutirostris – Marsh Antbird
  • Myrmeciza squamosa – Squamate Antbird
  • Merulaxis ater – Slaty Bristlefront
  • Cinclodes pabsti – Long-tailed Cinclodes
  • Leptasthenura striolata – Striolated Tit-spinetail
  • Cranioleuca obsoleta – Olive Spinetail
  • Clibanornis dendrocolaptoides – Canebrake Groundcreeper
  • Phylloscartes Kronei – Restinga Tyrannulet
  • Hemitriccus kaempferi – Kaempferi’s Tody-tyrant
  • Platyrinchus leucoryphus – Russet-winged Spadebill
  • Culicivora caudata – Sharp-tailed Tyrant
  • Tangara peruviana – Black-backed Tanager
  • Dacnis nigripes – Black-legged Dacnis
  • Euphonia chalibea – Green-chinned Euphonia
  • Cyanoloxia glaucocaerulea – Glaucous-blue Grosbeak
  • Emberizoides herbicola – Wedge-tailed Grass-finch
  • Emberezoides ypiranganus – Lesser Grass-finch
  • Donacospiza albifrons – Long-tailed Reed-finch
  • Sporophila melanogaster – Black-bellied Seedeater
  • Sporophila frontalis – Buffy-fronted Seedeater

Complete checklist – click here


 Ornithos Tours –

Bonito-do-piri Tour

Guaraqueçaba/Salto Morato Reserve Tour

Morretes/Antonina Tour

Campos Gerais Tour – coming son

Lagoa do Peixe/Tavares Tour – Coming soon

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» Ornithos headquarters is located in Morretes town. Just 60km (37 mi) from Curitiba International Airport, Parana.

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» The routes are personalized. Contact Luciano Breves for more info –


Guia: Luciano – 55-41- 99868-2541

Speaks portuguese, english and spanish.



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